Thursday, November 19, 2009
And... I go from discussing themes in Hamlet and symbolism in To Kill A Mockingbird to this. Is life good or what? My students are the best and cutest-ever! Well, a few exceptions do pop up every now and then.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Brian takes a dip
We innocently walked past our church parking lot one fall afternoon to take in a Back to Sunday School rally. My gracious husband couldn't say no to a desperate youth leader who needed a body in the dunk tank. What a sport. Needless to say, Logan had a blast throwing pitches at his dad.

Thursday, October 29, 2009
This is one of the greatest nights for kids in our town. Island View (Logan and Michael's school) fills its parking lot with tanks, firetrucks, garbage trucks, police cars, dump trucks and anything else a kid would like to climb in and on. Then the kids and parents get to come up and go wild... for free. Just a fun PTA Family night event. I, of course, forgot my camera, so I borrowed from Michael's teacher, whose husband happens to be a photographer for the local newspaper.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
try to remember the time in september

First day of school. Yeah, we got the back-to-school haircuts after this.
Michael is home with a fever today. The school called me at work, and I immediately raced up only to find him playing in the nurse's office with some other kid. Real sick. Some fever. The distric policy now is that no child can return within 24 hours after being sent home with a fever. Fine. Except that my kid doesn't even have a fever anymore. He's fine. And now he has to miss his Halloween party, the costume parade, and so do I. I can't help in either his or Logan's class tomorrow, and I won't see all the cute kids. Just a little disappointed.
Since I can't really run the errands I was planning, I thought I'd update this blog that has been sorely neglected.
School started with a bang for all of us. Brian is part-time teacher/part-time Dean of Students and loving it. He also is going to Western in Bellingham for Admin. classes. It's a family effort. As is Logan's Challenge class. He's learning a ton, but the work is tough. We're hoping his funky combo of perfectionist/lazy boy will straighten out, so he can fly right.
Michael is shining in kindergarten, really blossoming. We weren't sure what living in Logan's shadow would be like, but it doesn't phase him. He loves school and while he is still a sideline observer, he's enjoying "his" school.
Soccer took off and we're just now winding down. Phew! With two nights a week and games every Saturday, it can eat up a fall season. The boys are both having fun and improving, though, so we can't complain.
And me? Well, I have the greatest job in the world. I get to hug kids every day who tell me they love me. The 3 year old classes I have are shiny and happy, and so darn cute. Even if they do wipe their noses on my sleeve.
So here are a few shots from our fall. Can't beleive October has already come and gone. Should get the Halloween shots on here by New Year's.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Last days of summer

Blurry, but if you could see the genuine happiness of this kid.

Since Brian had a two day gig in Spokane, we tagged along and got to play a little with Gramma and Papa. The best memory the boys have is a trip to Sonic. Go figure. I need to be voted Best Mom as I continued to go on rides that made me green, just to please my seven year old son.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
hanrahans and ahns

Before Logan and Zander could crawl, they've been thrust together because, damnit, their moms are the best of friends, and by God, they will be too. Troopers that they are, it's all worked out just duckie. These two boys were as cute a school girls... playing, giggling, hugging, never wanting the day's playing to end. And not to be upstaged by their older brothers, Romy and Michael held their own. We are blessed to have such great kids who actually enjoy playing together... every day for almost a month, once a year:)
old(?) friends

True friendship really does stand the test of time. For 20 years now, Deanna, Minna, Nicole, and I(and a few honored extras thrown in now and then) have managed to get together at least once a yaer, despite goegraphical hurdles. For many years, we'd gather with the husbands for a Christmas party. More recently, we'd meet with our families for a brunch/playdate.
Since the Gerhigs retired in Anacortes, it's easy for me to see Nicole and her family, but this year, the girls finally got to do an overnighter... without families. After much ado about, well, nothing, we loaded onto the ferry to Friday Harbor to spend the hottest day in the area's history shopping, biking, drinking, and being merry.
Other than a tiny snag(Minna hyperventilating on a steep hill of our bike ride) the entire trip went swimmingly.
Friday, September 4, 2009
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