Former high school English teacher nearing the end of my ten year nap.Married to my brilliant best friend, Brian; mother of two wild, sweet, silly, clever little Hanramans.
The rehearsal for the play was as far as the kids got this year. Last year, the drama overflowed. This year... well, there were too many other things to do. Michael, however, is still singing, "So we sing homestead here we come..."
I tried desperately to edit some of these out... but I just couldn't. There are simply too many cute pics of the cousins, and so, I am including them all... in installments, lest my computer fry its poor brains. Drinks and snacks followed by dinner on Gramma's deck. Need I say more?
Arrrrrgh, matey! Logan was very specific in his request for a pirate's costume for a friend's birthday party: you have to make triangles, Mommy. My shirt and pants have to have triangles on the edges!
We've done Seaside now for over ten years. The first few years, Brian and I would go down in February when it was dead. Lots of clouds and rain, but good hiking and beach combing. Now we've made it a family vacation/pre-family reunion trip. It just gets better and easier each year.