What's a birthday celebration without a serenade by Opa? This is the first time that Michael has actually wanted to invite friends to a birthday party. He's very shy and has always preferred to just celebrate with family, which works out well since he shares his birthday with his dad. Despite living in a construction zone, we plowed full speed ahead. Luckily, it was a nice day, and the boys mainly played outside.

Michael was pleasantly surprised at how much fun he had and even asked if he could have another party next year. His innocence warms our hearts daily. A side note: whenever the school sends home flyers about things going on in the community, Michael takes it as a personal invitation." Mommy, Mrs. Strainer invited me to join the Cub Scouts. She gave me an invitation" or "Mommy, I get to go to a SummerFest. Mrs. Strainer gave me an invitation( this was just an announcement about a fundraising event at a local church)". There are days when I could eat him alive.