Just watching the dandelions grow.

This spring, Michael chose t-ball and Logan chose track... good choices for both of them, it turns out. We were actually relieved when Logan said he didn't want to do baseball as that would have meant a longer season and more practices per week, something that is just really hard with his homework load. Michael had a blast and gave every practice and game his all. His sincerity kills me. He just worked hard all season.
Logan, too, was in heaven. He's turned into a true runner, constantly trying to beat his previous times. At the beginning of the year, his mile time was 7:14, which impressed the heck out of me for a 7 year old. As the year progress, he shaved it down to a 6:44. He took 3 first place ribbons and 1 second place at his final track meet (out of 5 events). I don't understand how a kid can run so fast and manage to smile the whole time. Ahhhh, the boundless energy of youth.