It is July now. The month of June was cold, cloudy and cold.. and cloudy. We did have two or three days of sun, but mostly, cold and cloudy. We had to find warmth. We headed east of the mountains where everyone from Western Washington goes to find sun. Armed with sunscreen and bug spray we filled our van with all the camping accoutrements possible and drove to Lake Wenatchee. And not two seconds after pitching our tent, we all ran down to the lake to get wet and bask in that elusive fireball in the sky.
Day 2: windy. This, to those who are crawling out from a rock, lowers any temperature, even if it is sunny out. So, we drove across a mountain pass to rid ourselves of fleece only to put the layers back on to protect ourselves from the elements. No, it did not rain. And, for the most part, the sun shone brightly and happily. But it was teasing us as its laughter created the highest winds imaginable. In fact, it was very similar to the Gorge at Hood River... you know, the world's wind-surfing capital.
Don't fret. We had a fantastic time, watching the waves, playing on drift wood, playing Battleship in the tent with flashlights, riding bikes, and warming ourselves by the fire(we did this a lot).