Until I can figure out how to attach photos(this has happened by luck a few times, but never consistently), I need to at least use prose to record our last days of summer and
first days of school.
We had a great end of summer with a Back-to-School/100th birthday party for our house. It was also an excuse to show off our new kitchen. Over 25 adults and almost 25 kids ran around our yard, hung out by the fire, and had a great time living up those last moments of freedom.
While the boys were gearing up for their first day of school(meet and greets, etc), Brian and I also had to get ready for our own classes. He has a little more on his plate than I do. Although, we did have a fun surprise in that the 3 year old class was moved to the parsonage next to the church, so I hauled my fair share of furniture and boxes. Brian is assistant principal at Little Mountain Elementary this year, which, after three days, he is loving. Says he's learning exponentially daily.
Logan is back in the Challenge class with Professor Heffelfinger and Michael has Mrs. Wahlgren(who Logan had and we love). While Michael did tell me he had butterflies on the walk up to school the first day, there were no tears.... at least on the boys' part. I confess I was a bit blurry eyed on my way down the hill after the goodbye.
And my first day with the little bunnies was as predictable as ever. One screamer and the rest were just into playing and having fun. All in all, a great first week of school for all four of the king-hanrahans. And hopefully, there will be photos to prove it soon.