Lazy days of Blokus and Monopoly coming to an end. We spent many a summer night playing games, some that lasted for days. Monopoly actually brought out the worst of Logan, who proved to be a real estate tycoon. Not charitable at all.

I can never really comment on Michael... I have no insight into his ways. All I know is that he is always donning some costume, hat, scarf, high heels, or in this case, tape. Again.. what is there to say? I love this kid dearly and simply enjoy watching the show.

Soccer. To so many parents around the country this is life for several months each fall. We love it. When it's not raining. And we've been extremely lucky this season. Both boys got on "black" teams this year. Convenient. Logan's team is "The Blacks"(???? PC????) and Michael's is "The Black Snakes". Joy. Brian is coaching Michael's team and thoroughly enjoying the time with Michael. We don't keep score; we just have fun. Good mantra for this year's team. Logan's team, however, is undefeated and lovely to watch. Just very pretty soccer playing. He is even going to be on an indoor team late fall into winter just to keep his foot touching the ball. He enjoys soccer, but continues to obsess about running. His mile time is done to 6:32 and he wants to get 6:00 by the end of the school year. His goal is to come in the top 5 for the Fun Run( a 2 mile race around hilly Washington Park, usually 75 kids or so). Last year as a 2nd grader, he took 7th.